
This section needs significant time.

For now, some core items:

  1. Setup this site to properly pull documentation from the Gilbert repository, instead of using a local folder.

  2. Structure of how items will be stored, how review processes will be performed, and how audits and tests will be automated is paramount to makes sure this project starts in the right direction.

  3. Setup core scripts to allow anyone to clone / fork the repository, and run a single script to load/start all dependencies and software in a container (or directly in linux assuming all dependencies are installed)

    1. Note, no one should have to spend hours following tutorials and documentation, typing in command prompts to get their computer setup, a single run script should exist to fully setup an environment for both linux and windows. I expect most of the software execution will run within a container to isolate dependencies, assemblies / physical models will require other methods to streamline a workspace.

  4. Align on high-level architecture.